Noun tma questions

MTH101: Elementary Mathematics I TMA3 Instructions: Answer All . After Submission, you will not be able to answer these questions Question 1 : ________ is the limiting value of 3 x 3 + 5 x 2 � ? ? 6 3x3+5x2�??6 as n → − 2 n→−2 -10 5- 10 5 Question 2 : The common ratio in a geometric series having first term 7, the last term 448, and the sum 889 is _________________ 1 2 3 5 Question 3 : ________ is the value of n given that 77 is the nth term of the A.P 3 1 2 , 7 , 10 1 2 , � ? � . . 312, 7, 1012,�?�.. -10 5- 10 5 Question 4 : The smallest number of terms of the geometrical series, 8 + 24 + 72 + �?��?��?��?��?�.., that will give a total greater than 6, 000, 000 is _______ 6 9 13 10 Question 5 : The 23rd term of the A.P �??7, �??3, +1, �?��?�gives_______________ 64 81 85 90 Question 6 : The 383rd term of the series 5 + 8 + 11 + ... is______________ ¬ 89 150 120 128 Question 7 : Suppose S = a + (a + d) + (a + 2d) + �?��?��?��?��?�.. + [a + (n �?? 1) d] �?��?�, the sum of n terms is __________________ n 2 n2 2 n ( a + l ) 3 2n(a+l)3 n ( a + l ) 2 n(a+l)2 n ( a − l ) 5 n(a−l)5 Question 8 : The sum of five numbers in an A.P is 25 and the sum of their squares is 165. Find the numbers +2 -2 ± 2 ±2 ± 2 √ ( 2 ) ±2(2) Question 9 : A company sets up a smoking fund and invests N10, 000 each year for 5years at 9% compound interest, the worth of the fund after 5years is __________ N 59, 847 N 200, 45 68, 550 N65, 57 Question 10 : The number of terms in an A.P. whose first term is 5, common difference 3, and sum 55 is _____ 3 4 5 6
